I was on gardening duty today at school, which means I take pictures and take notes while April, the gardening teacher, leads the kids through a couple of activities. Today, there was a lot of talk about the compost bin and the failing health of the worms in the bin and how we could get kids and teachers to add their food scraps to the bin. So the kids decided it would be a good idea to make a sign to remind people to deposit their scraps in the bin after snack and lunch. They drew pictures of foods that the worms in the bin like (that’s Jane’s carrot and apple above), and then pictures of foods that aren’t allowed in the bin (citrus and onions) with big Xs through them. Then they got to pick and eat carrots they’d planted last fall, and then they planted some lemon cucumber seeds. (These pictures are terrible by the way bc I was manning the “real” camera but kept forgetting to take pics with my phone.)