Monthly Archives: March 2017

First grade update from the 1B teachers

Curriculum Update for MarchPublished: Monday, February 27, 2017

Last week we celebrated the 100th day
of school with our friends in the lower school building. Children had
the opportunity to choose different activities in the Kindergarten, DK,
First and Second Grade classrooms. Some of the choices were:  100
boot camp exercises, make 100 Fruit loop necklaces, draw a picture with
the number, a scavenger hunt and using 100 cups to stack, balance and
build.  Our everyday words for practice at home to read, write and spell correctly are: all, are,
do, from, has, have, her, I, is, like, me, my, of, said, saw, that,
the, they, to, very, want, was, we, were, what, when, where, who, why,
you, your

MATH: This
week children will be reviewing concepts covered in class and working
independently on a mid year assessment. These assessments not only give
us good information regarding students’ understanding and learning of
topics covered thus far but also provides them with an opportunity to
read and follow written directions independently.

Social Studies we have been enjoying many picture books about Black
History Month.  Children used skin tone paints to determine the ‘recipe’
for their skin color.  We introduced the children to melanin and
explained the more melanin you have in your skin the darker your skin
tone. The children traced and cut their hands then painted them with
their new skin tone recipe.  

our discussion of the presidential election, children were introduced to
the roles of senators and congress people. Integrating our discussions
of MLK’s role in standing up for people’s rights, the role of the
president and senators, we talked about using our voice to let the
president know what kind of world we want to live in. The children wrote
a message on handmade postcards that we will mail to Senators Feinstein
and Harris next week. 

have shared your stories of frustration with the class and we love
seeing your children’s enthusiasm when they hear your stories.  We will
be exploring the feeling word courageous when we read the book Sheila the Brave.
The children have written short stories, acted out skits, made puppets
and created art pieces depicting the feeling word courageous.